Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 5 and I'm Still Alive

Today was Turkey/Chicken and tomatoes. While I was down 6.2 pounds this morning (Erik is down 11), this diet is really starting to get to me. At least I think its the diet... I'm lethargic and strangely I'm lacking in emotion, which is completely unlike me. I have next to no appetite and couldn't come close to eating enough today. My calorie intake is growing extremely insufficient; it's not that I don't want to eat, I can't eat.  I really want to finish this out to the end because I only have two more days, but I'm not sure if I can. ...Not because I want to give in to cravings or because I'm hungry, but because I feel terrible. I wish I could tell you I was hungry. Sadly, the first few days made me feel great. I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a better day and I can continue because I really want to make it. I came so far already on this little 7 day journey and I don't want to give in at the end! It will have made the whole project a waste. Erik is not struggling as much as I am and has been able to maintain his appetite and even went to the gym after work today (serious kudos to him). The only thing bugging him right now is how bad he wants a peanut butter sandwich. So, not such a great post today! Hopefully I have better news tomorrow or I may be pulling the plug on this experiment.

The picture above shows lean ground turkey patties with tomatoes... this was breakfast today. Lunch and dinner was turkey breast and tomato chunks cooked in the crock pot. 

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